Kooch Daniels




Name Kooch Daniels
Address PO Box 133
City Bodega
Prov/State California
Country United States of America
Postal Code 94922
Favourite saying Be the love you want in your life.
Telephone Number 707 876 1980
Facebook Kooch Daniels
Twitter mysticsecrets
MySpace Kooch Daniels
LinkedIn Kooch Daniels
YouTube Theater of Karma, a Tarot, Occult Romance by Kooch Daniels
Profession Clairvoyant
Career Life long professional reader
Expertise Tarot and other oracles, psychic development, out of body experiences, chakras, meditation, and mysticism.
Education Her fascination with what lies hidden behind the veil has inspired a life long study of divination and eastern mysticism with many teachers, most significantly Tantric scholar Harish Johari, and the hugging saint from India, Sri Mata Amritanandamayi.
Degree(s) MA in psychology
Media Credits The Howard Stern show (2005 and show segment aired several times over the next couple years) , THE 'X' ZONE (2005), for 6 months I had daily astrology 5 min. show called Star Talk on KHBG in Northern Ca. Presently on Weds 1 pm Ca. time, I have a blog talk show through the Tarot Guild called Kosmic Koffee With Kooch.
Publisher of Books e-book called The Sacred Wisdom of the Planets.
Bio I'm a professional intuitive living in the San Francisco Bay area who has given many thousands of readings to the rich and famous and your ordinary (what's that?) person on the street of life. I specialize in tarot, palmistry, numerology, astrology, and love oracles. For Fortune 500 corporations I have done hand-writing analysis. My focus is to help people blend with the harmony of their choices and find greater joy in their life.

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